Monday, April 6, 2015

March Wrap-up - Books and Comic Books

March was a busy month, but not as busy as February, meaning I've got more time to do the things I enjoy, like reading and watching (movies, series, anime). And it was a month where I gave more attention to my books, so I finished 1 book, read an entire one, and started another.


I FINALLY finished the second book in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series, The Restaurant at the end of the Universe. I paused it many times during this year, and I can't explain why: it's good, funny, entertaining, but I just paid more attention to comic books, series, and anime. The first is better, but this one is great too and I'd give it 4 out of 5 stars.

I 'discovered' Seraphina and read it in 2 weeks. That's fast for me because I'm usually busy at work, and with blogs, youtube, and many other things. So thumbs up because a wonderful book made me don't want to drop it for a minute. It's filled with dragons, music, dreams, intrigue, mystery, set in an incredible world. 4.5 stars.

In the comic book world, I finished the first story arc in Gotham Academy, which ended on issue #6. Even if aren't into comics, I recommend that you give it a try because it's funny and you don't need to know anything about Batman, Joker, and the other DC characters. 5 starts.

Not Finished

I read just a little bit of Dragonquest but wasn't really in the mood for that, so this one is paused right now. And I read some of the Pulp Fiction Megapack: read one complete story (Mistress of Snarling Death), and started another, but dropped it because WHAT THE F**K IS THAT? (Fiances for the Devil's Daughter). It's RARE that I drop a book/story, but this one is too much for me. I'll return to this book later but in the next story.


Started reading Caught Dead Handed (With City Mystery #1), a very nice cozy mystery by Carol J. Perry. I just love cozies and they always make me want to read more and more.