Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Fictional worlds I wish I could live in [Top 5 Wednesday]

As we get older, we start having a long list of fictional worlds and places that we visited during our readings or the things we watched. Worlds filled with magic, hidden treasures, aliens, monsters, anthropomorphic characters, time-travel and alternate versions of our beloved Earth. They all fascinate us, making we want to go there, participate in the adventures, help with the quests and, of course, see all that beautiful landscapes in front of our very eyes.

Listed below, are the top 5 fictional worlds from books and TV series that I wish I could live or visit, in no particular order.

Harry Potter (Hogwarts)

It's Harry 'Freaking' Potter world, so what can I say more about this? Of course, I don't want to be killed by that guy which everyone doesn't seem to like his name and neither do I want to be a muggle. I want to go to Hogwarts learn how to do magic, fly on a broom and go to Hogsmeade during the weekends (or when I'm skipping classes).

Middle-Earth (The Shire)

Just because it's beautiful and peaceful, at least when there isn't an ongoing world war, caused by a giant flaming eye that wants a beautiful ring collection. I want to have an enormous library and read them quietly while sitting in a hobbit-sized armchair, in a house with a round door.

The fairy tale realm in Once Upon a Time

Like The Shire, it seems a nice place to live or travel to when there isn't an evil queen killing everyone. All the main fairy tale characters live there, and if you consider that in the series you can travel between realms (from Snow White-land to Neverland and to Real World), looks like an exciting choice.

The Doctor Who world

A world where time-travel is possible and you could possibly be a Doctor companion? I can't see why not living in this world. Besides the Daleks, Cybermen, and a ton of others races that want to exterminate (or delete/upgrade) the entire human race. But at least we got the Paternoster Gang!

Grimm (TV series)

Ok, you can be a Grimm and see all that strange creatures that jumped out of children's books, OR you can be a werewolf-ish creature that starts dating a gorgeous foxy lady (literally). Just got to remember to try to be friends with the Grimm guys or you can lose your head (again, literally).

And you? Which fictional worlds to you wish to live in?