Wednesday, March 2, 2016

First Impressions: Fire Brigade of Flames [#0]

By the same author of Soul Eater and Soul Eater Not, comes Fire Brigade of Flames (Enen no Shouboutai), a manga about people who can control fire. How awesome is this? Continue reading to find out!

An unexplainable phenomenon of people bursting into flames assails humanity. Put your life on the line to extinguish the flames! A great conflagration that will shake up the manga world! A sci-fi firefighting battle!
The prequel chapter (#0) shows us Shinra Kusakabe's first day at the 8th Special Fire Brigade. We are presented to the Human Combustion Phenomenon problem currently frightening (and killing) people, as they turn into the so-called Flame People, or Flame Humans. We also learn that Special Fire Brigades were created to set free the souls of the victims.

But not all the Flame People die horribly. Others are known as second and third generation, and they can manipulate or even generate flames themselves at will.
  • First Generation (Human Combustion Victims): as the name implies, they just catch fire at random and die. Not the kind of Flame People you want to be;
  • Second Generation: they can control the fire, but not start or generate it. They are able to manipulate the flames of both 1st and 3rd generation;
  • Third Generation: they can generate the flames at will. Shinra is a 3rd generation user.

The team, or brigade if you prefer, is composed by 5 members
  • Shinra Kusakabe: The MC, a 3rd generation flame user that have a goofy grin every time he gets nervous;
  • Akitaru Oubi: The Battalion Commander. He is not a flame person;
  • Takenisa Hinawa: Company Commander and 2nd generation ability user;
  • Iris: Sister/Nun. Non-ability user. Prays for the victims souls;
  • Maki Oze: Fire Soldier and 2nd generation ability user.

I liked the world created by Atushi Ookubo, and I think this is going to be a great manga series. At the time of this post, 18 chapters are available already, and I guess this is only the start of a long running manga.