Now, Kuon (a.k.a Best Girl) finally has some competition. Let the games begin! ʕง•ᴥ•ʔง
On this episode, we are introduced to Rurutie (a princess) and Kokopo (a giant bird) as they appear on the village. Ukon is responsible for taking Rurutie to the capital and invites Haku and Kuon to join the party. Haku tries to oppose to it but in the and, Kuon and Rurutie convince him to go. And the one who seems happier with this is Kokopo, the giant bird that serves as a mount to Rurutie, and seems to have a 'little' crush on Haku.
During the journey, we have the first fan service/ecchi scene, and for my surprise, it wasn't censored. They just showed no nipples. That's both good and bad.
Good because well... bath scenes are nice, I'm not a hypocrite. But bad because I was thinking this would be a great anime to re-watch in BluRay with my girlfriend later. It happens...
Anyway, one good thing they did is avoiding some usual tropes. While both Kuon and Rurutie were in the bath, Kuon asked Haku not to peek, and he just showed no intention in doing it. One trope avoided successfully, and a good lesson to all the male (and female maybe) viewers: peeking is not good, ok?
Just a side note here: this trope happened on the first episode, but reversed. Kuon peeked on Haku while he was taking a bath. And he still doesn't know about it.But of course that someone has to show up and make Kuon leave the bath naked, only for Haku to see her in her 'birth clothes'. One more trope avoided: she did not get mad nor hit him! So, he doesn't get punished for something that wasn't his fault. Yeah!
WARNING: slightly NSFW video below
Also, Kuon and Rurutie get along well. Even after Haku clearly start having a little crush on Rurutie and doing things for her, Kuon still acts normal. It's great to watch an anime that doesn't have that forced and fake reactions, having the characters acting in a normal-ish way instead.
On the next day, the party is attacked by bandits who want all their cargo. And here another issue is addressed when the men start getting 'interested' on the girls. Addressing the issue of sexual abuse in that setting was something big, and it was great that someone from the group stopped them.
In the end, Ukon was able to go after them, and the reinforcements from the capital arrived and arrested some who fled and encountered our heroes on the way.
This was a fine episode. Based on an Eroge game, it was no surprise that we got to see some risqué scenes and that Haku is getting more girls around him. The good surprise was Kokopo having a crush on him and being extremely jealous. The preview shows that on the next episode we'll have more girls, boobs, and gags, but I really hope that the heartwarming story and gorgeous scenery continue to play a great part.
Final Thoughts
- Haku's harem is growing fast: the last 2 episodes added a guy, a girl and a bird to it.
- Kuon = Best Girl. Kokopo = Best Bird?
- Hope the show doesn't turn into a generic ecchi/harem anime.
- But, I liked the fanservice on this episode ###kaomoji