Monday, October 5, 2015

Dark Shadows: The House of Despair

I got interested on the original Dark Shadows soap opera while I was reading Caught Dead Handed (A Witch City Mystery #1) by Carol J. Perry. I had already watched the new movie with Johnny Depp and knew about the new comics and all, but didn't know anything about the 60s TV show.

So I decided to give it a try and got addicted for some time. Now, I'm not watching it anymore (I'll be back to it later, I guess), but got really interested on Big Finish's full cast audio dramas. Last week I listened to the first story, House of Despair, and loved it!

The drama is welcoming to newcomers while being great for fans. Here we have some of the original cast reprising their roles of Collinsport and Collinwood residents.
After years of wandering the world, Quentin Collins is coming home. But the Collinwood that awaits him is no longer the sanctuary he remembers. As the town of Collinsport hides in fear from otherworldly powers, Quentin vows to unite old friends and reclaim his birthright…
Written By: Stuart Manning
Directed By: Gary Russell
David Selby (Quentin Collins); Lara Parker (Angelique); John Karlen (Willie Loomis); Kathryn Leigh Scott (Maggie Evans); Jamison Selby (Ed Griffin); Ursula Burton (Susan Griffin); Andrew Collins; Steven Wickham; Kellie Ryan; Scott Alan Woodard
Buy: Amazon, Big Finish
On this story, we have Quentin Collins returning to Collinsport after being away for years. But many citizens of the city are behaving strangely, and others are missing. The Collins family? All gone.

Despite being a suspense and horror drama, the story flows well, and you won't get bored or sleepy for a second. The music and sound effects are great and the audio mixing is really well-done. The story is compelling and perfect to listen with your eyes closed and lights off. I listened to it while walking on the treadmill, but couldn't resist having only some dim lights, and closing my eyes sometimes. It was an incredible experience.

The next on the list is The Book of Temptation, and of course, I'm really tempted to start listening now!