Friday, June 26, 2015

Organizing your GoodReads shelves

Goodreads, while an amazing site to track all the books that I read or I'm interested too, can turn up into a huge unorganized collection of broken dreams stack of books that I'm remotely interested into. That's because there are so many recommendations that I (as many readers) don't even get time to think about what I really will read sometime, and I end up using my to-read as a book bookmarking tool. Alongside the enormously giant to-be-read monster, Goodreads also don't have a way of marking a book as on hold or even dropped.

But there's a feature that maybe some don't know: in addition to creating shelves, you can mark then as exclusive shelves, giving them the same behavior as the 3 default ones (Read, To-Read and Currently Reading). This week I finally decided to use a separate shelf to my TBR de facto, and another one for the books I stopped reading for a while but intend to return to it later. This is the result:

To do this, you only need to go to My Books and click on edit, on the right side of Bookshelves. Then mark it as exclusive and it's done!