Monday, May 11, 2015

[TAG] 100 Acre Wood

This is my first TAG being answered here, and it was created by Shannon from the Youtube channel Leaning Lights. Click here to go to the original video ;)

Christopher Robin: A book/character that feature compassion/patience/acts of kindness

Will (House of Secrets): Will is a hero of a book about WW 1. Being a fictional character (he is in fact a book character), he has all the heroic traits we expect of a young war fighter pilot. Link

Piglet: A book that made you afraid

I don't think that many books got me really scared, but I'm sure that H. P. Lovecraft stories are full of scary things, fear and despair. The Whisperer in the Darkness is terrifying. Link

Eeyore: A book or character that is sarcastic

If Sheldon, from The Big Bang Theory, is incapable of identifying sarcasm, so a conversation between him and Skulduggery Pleasant would be completely impossible. He's so sarcastic the his name could be on the dictionary as the definition of sarcasm itself. BTW, this character looks like the written version of his writer, Derek Landy, not only because of the sarcasm, but some other personality traits. And the similarities with Eeyore ends here, because Skulduggery/Landy can be just a little egocentric and overconfident (not that this is a bad thing). Link

Kanga: A character that you hated at first but grew to love

Draco Malfoy. No, this one is actually impossible to love. My choice is Thora, from the series Perry Rhodan. On the beginnig, she was always opposing Rhodan, treating him with disgust and contempt. But she develops during the books, learn how to behave herself better, how to treat others with respect, and ends up turning into a character that we admire and also love.

Roo: A book that made you happy!

Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World. This book is very enjoyable to read, full of wonderful moments with this lovely cat. Perfect to read during the winter, on your bed and drinking a nice tea/coffee/whatever-hot-drink-that-you-like. Link

Rabbit: A book/character that annoyed you

Bella Swan during New Moon: Kind of self-explanatory, right?

Tigger: The funniest book you’ve read thus far

I'm not sure which book was THE FUNNIEST, Skulduggery Pleasant and Monk books are truly funny indeed, but for this one I'll stick with The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Link

Owl: A book that was confusing to read

I've never read a confusing book, but a long time ago I started Moby Dick, and the language was old, so it made the reading a little hard, even if not confusing. I gave up because at that time, my English wasn't good enough for it, and maybe I still need to improve a lot before trying (spoiler alert: I DO). Anyway, it's a book about a drunk wandering around and thinking about killing a giant white whale, so how it's NOT confusing? Link

Winnie the Pooh: A book/series you cannot live without!

The Sherlock Holmes books. As Winnie The Pooh was a wonderful part of my childhood, Sherlock Holmes was a great part of the beginning of my reading life, just after I left the children's books. He made me fall in love with books and be the bookworm that I'm today. And I have to give an honorable mention to Harry Potter, which is a really close second place. Link