Saturday, May 2, 2015

First Impressions: Hard Magic by Larry Correia

A week ago I started reading Hard Magic, by Larry Correia. It's the first book in The Grimnoir Chronicles, and it features a hardboiled private-eye detective that has the power to alter the gravity according to his will. It's set in a steampunk world with an aternate history, and some people have magical abilities called Power. There are many degrees and types of power, for being able to use yours fingers as a lighter, to the ability to make someone ill with your touch, or to release lightning with your hands, or even move through walls.

“You know, Purvis, I’ve never got in a gunfight and said afterwards, damn, I wish I hadn’t brought all that extra ammo.”

It's a pulp noir mixed with steampunk and magic, featuring a bad-ass anti-hero that's working with the police just because they offered him a deal to release him earlier from prison. I'm really enjoying it so far and it has been a great read.
He kept the gun on the driver, but kept one eye glued to the blonde. In this crew, he wouldn’t have been surprised if she’d started tossing undead flaming grizzly bears at him or something.