Friday, March 4, 2016

Female Characters and Destroyed Childhoods on Ghostbusters

There's a lot of complaining going around about the new Ghostbusters movie. And you should completely disregard that and go watch the movie in the theaters. Or not, if you honestly are not interested.

First of all, everyone can like a movie/trailer or not, and I fully support that. You are not required to like or dislike. REALLY! But what you need is a valid reason for your opinion or argument and the sex or color of the cast is not one of them, neither the 'destroyed childhood factor', something that the whiners complainers believe to exist.

Destroyed childhoods

As pointed in this article, there're no such thing as a sacred childhood entertainment. Most of the movies and cartoons we idolized were just regular, but we think of them as sacred because we were just kids, and for kids almost anything is good. Ghostbusters was and continue to be a GREAT movie, but the nostalgia makes us feel like they were the best movies ever made, even that we didn't watch it once during the past 10 years.

Many of the new movie detractors are talking in a way that it seems this is the most important franchise of their lives, as is they watch it once a week and collect toys, figures, trading cards, stamps and always use cool geeky Ghostbusters t-shirts. But sincerely, where were all of them in the past decade? As you may guess, not doing anything Ghostbusters related.

And of course, this is a new movie and not a director's cut that changes things (Hi George Lucas), or a crazy remake. Ok, it's a reboot, but the old and beloved characters continue to exist in the old movies and now are new Ghostbusters in town.

Gender and race

I don't even know how to start talking about this. Who does which character doesn't matter at all. Why complain that the Ghostbusters are now women? And why do you have to rage on Twitter and Facebook that the black woman is not the studied one in the group, even if the actress himself said that this doesn't matter? And why is everyone assuming that, because Patty Tolan is not an academic, she's not as important or smart as the others?

How about we all grow up and stop being jerks or try to find problems in everything? Let the characters be male, female, trans, gay, bi, aliens or ghosts, because they are all... characters. Let the writers, actors, director and everyone else in the studios do their work and create an amazing movie that'll entertain us and our kids. Our other option is to persecute and criticize every attempt to revive a beloved franchise and to show more diversity.

For you, who are complaining about the female cast: go read the comics. There are great female Ghostbusters on a MIXED team, and the story is awesome. And for you who try to find racism everywhere, remember: If you complain about everything, the studios will just stop trying to be more inclusive, and go for the safest bet of an all white male cast. And with good reason.

So, go watch the movie and them you can say if it's good or not, ok?