Thursday, November 5, 2015

Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen Ep. 5 - The Pirate

Two new characters are added to Haku's party, and the harem is growing stronger.
Ukon's first mission to our heroes is to find a princess that ran away. But Haku does it before even realizing, as he meets her on the streets while she is fleeing from someone. After that, they go on a 'date', walking around the city and doing things that are supposed to bond them together forever. Haku, as always, acts in a completely disinterested way, while Atui keeps blushing when anything remotely 'romantic' happens.

I liked how uninterested Haku is. Most lazy characters at least try to do some effort, while Haku doesn't bother with anything, just wanting to do nothing.

-Girls don't like guys who ask questions.
-Okay. Bye.

At the ending of the episode, we are introduced to Kiuru, the archer who was after Atui at the beginning of the episode. He too was hired by Ukon to search for the princess. In the end, seems that everyone will be living at that inn, that serves as the group's secret base (and it has a hot bath).

All kinds of crazy things

Utawarerumono 2015 Ep. 5

Unfortunately, this episode was just about introducing two new characters, and showing how cute Atui can be. We can also see how Haku is a fast learned, as the girls are impressed on his progress as he learns to read. A great episode overall, but not like the previous ones. I hope to see more plot soon, or else we'll have an enormous harem, but with no much room left for the story.

Final Thoughts:
  • The harem is growing #MuchHarem #SuchGirls (❍ᴥ❍ʋ)
  • Hot baths, hot baths, hot baths.
  • Haku and Ukon are developing a great bromance indeed. It's something hard to find, and it proves that it's not all about harems, but also about the relationship between male characters.

Rating: 4.5 stars

Utawarerumono (05): when you drop your food

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