Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Dungeons and Dragons: Our second session

In the last session

We helped some goblins defeat a bugbear, them went to the city and learned about problems that are afflicting the citizens, including thieves, orcs, and a banshee.

What happened

We decided to go to the thieves' place and see if we can ambush them so we have an advantage. Before going there, Zelda (my Elf Wizard) conjured an owl familiar. And no, it hasn't a name yet, although I'm thinking about Snuggles, or Mickey (Mouse).

Then, we went to the place to think of a strategy. They spotted us and told us to get lost. We came back after they went to patrol the building, and prepared to do a surprise attack. It 'almost' worked. I cast Grease on the terrain, but only one of the four fell prone. The others went straight to attack Golleros and Viktor, causing a great deal of damage because of the cheat double attack.

My owl helped Golleros, distracting one of the bandits while I gave Viktor a health potion. After that, I cast Create Bonfire on one of them, and luckily, my Mage Armor helped me avoid being hit. Unfortunately, Viktor was killed during the battle, after failing to attack one of them.

We won the battle and defeated them, but the loss of our fellow comrade affected both of us, but mainly Golleros. We returned to the tavern and just slept and ate for the rest of the week. During that period, the bandits got reinforcements and started to attack more and be more violent, in retaliation for the death of the four guards. We went to talk to the mayor, and after some new information was presented to us, decided to  go to talk to a druid, in a city taken by the undead.

During the travel, we saw a Dragonborn and a Tiefling fighting goblins and decided to help. After we slain them, Golleros took one of their bows and gave it to me. We were them introduced to Kaalia, the Tiefling Ranger, and Malkor, the Dragonborn Rogue. And after setting camp for a night, we all proceeded to our destiny.


- I got a familiar/pet owl :)
- Viktor died =/
- But we gained a lot of XP :)
- 2 new characters, and one of them played by the DM (Malkor)

Do you have any suggestion for my pet owl familiar? Some other suggestions: Marshmallow, Owl Capone, Archimedes, Bert, Blinky, Gizmo, Hootie, Hoodini.