Tuesday, April 5, 2016

My first dungeons and dragons session

This Sunday we had our first dungeons and dragons (5th edition) session. A week before we met just to get to know each other, create our characters and we played a bit of the Pathfinder card game. But now we started the adventure from the starter set, slew some goblins and had a lot of fun.

Although my friend never played (neither did I), he is the DM of our group. The 2 other players had some experience both as playing and DMing but never played the 5th edition. So it was kind of a new territory for all of us. And yes: the party, as of now, consists of only 3 members, with 1 more to join us at the next session. Our party is composed by a Dwarf Fighter, a Human Cleric and me, a High Elf Wizard.

I'm playing Zelda "Sparkles" MorningWood, and I got my nickname because I love to use prestidigitation to cause... well, lights, fireworks and sparkles. Viktor is the not-so-wise Human Cleric that is always confused and using his thaumaturgy to shout and put on a show. Golleros is the Mountain Dwarf Fighter that is not intelligent, but always curious. He also relies on and follows the elf's decisions. Maybe I'll talk more about them later, in a separate post.

What happened on this session

*This topic contains a few spoilers on the starter set adventure*

We met each other on a quest to transport provision to another city. During the trip, we were attacked by goblins and defeated them. But we found footsteps along the way, and they led us to a cave where we met... more goblins. After almost dying to their boss (a bugbear) and being captured, we make an alliance with them to defeat the boss. I just use HIDE not to fight, with the excuse reason that they might turn against us after the battle.

We win, and after the fight, they start celebrating, going in the direction of their treasure. The cleric looks at us with a wicked smile and runs towards them shouting "Thunderwave!" and killing all of them except their leader, who tries to run away but is slashed by the fighter. We got the loot, YAY!

After that, we celebrate in the inn, deliver the provisions, buy weapons and start investigating other matters.

After thoughts and highlights

The cleric was the highlight of this session. Aside from attacking the goblins, he was always confused and asking the wrong questions. He also got drunk, used thaumaturgy to get everyone's attention (while standing on a table), and after that threw away a bag of coins to the innkeeper and went to a room. Of course, he was so wasted that he slept over a female dwarf in the wrong room. Oops.