Wednesday, August 12, 2015

My Pull List #1 - 08/12/15 [#NewComicBookDay]

Another week, another bunch of comics to buy, read or put on the stack to read later. And now that I'm using League of Comic Geeks to manage the comics I want to read, everything is way easier.

Continuing Series

Starfire #3

I already posted my first impressions of the first 2 issues, and Starfire is my top title for this week.

Starfire picks up the pieces and finds her new home in the aftermath of the storm! But while our hero helps her community heal, a creature from the underworld emerges to threaten all she hopes to protect! What is this creature's hidden motive? And why does it seem to get bigger every time Starfire punches it?

New Series

DC Comics Bombshells

Ooookkkk, DC Bombshells, how can I not read this at all? #anxious

The ultra-popular statues from DC Collectibles come to life in their own ongoing comic book series! Learn the story behind this alternate reality where the Second World War is fought by superpowered women on the front lines and behind the scenes! It all begins with the stories of Batwoman, Wonder Woman and Supergirl.


I liked the art, and the synopsis is really great, so I'll read this first issue :)

THE PILOT SEASON WINNER RETURNS! Modern society is obsessed with outward beauty. What if there was a way to guarantee you could become more and more beautiful every day? What if it was a sexually transmitted disease? In the world of The Beauty, physical perfection is attainable. The vast majority of the population has taken advantage of it, but Detectives Foster and Vaughn will soon discover it comes at a terrible price. Writer/artist JEREMY HAUN (Constantine, Batwoman) and co-writer JASON A. HURLEY offer up a startling reflection on the cost of looking good in this procedural science fiction tale.

Doctor Who 2015: Four Doctors

Ok, look at this blog's title. What do you you think? Not a surprise that I'm looking forward this comic, right?

What shocking past event brings three Doctors together - to combat an unknown foe with three incarnations in its sights? The five-part Doctor Who event of 2015 begins here in a tale written by Doctor Who novelist Paul Cornell and illustrated by Neil Edwards that brings together the tenth Doctor and Gabby, the eleventh Doctor and Alice, and the twelfth Doctor and Clara!

Phonogram the Immaterial Girl

Being a musician in my free time and loving everything music-related, I need to read this one.

The team behind the New York Times bestselling and Eisner-nominated smash hit THE WICKED + THE DIVINE return to the acclaimed urban-fantasy where they first made their names. Nearly a decade ago, Emily Aster sold half her personality for the power to rule a coven of phonomancers. I'm sure nothing could go horribly, monstrously wrong now. In a world where Music is Magic, a song can save or ruin your life. In THE IMMATERIAL GIRL, we discover what a video can do.


Starfire, DC Bombshells, Doctor Who, and a new music-themed comic series, whats not to love about this week?

DC: 2
Other: 3
Total: 5 (1 continuing and 4 new)