Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Doctor Who - The Four Doctors

This is a 5 issue event that was published weekly (except the last issue) since August 12th. It features the 10th, 11th and 12th doctors, along with their companions.

Series: Doctor Who - The Four Doctors

Art by: Neil Edwards
Written by: Paul Cornell
Synopsis: It's the greatest Doctor Who comics crossover event of all time, as the Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth incarnations of the Doctor come face to face for the first time ever! When an unseen enemy maneuvers the three Doctors into an impossible meeting, the future of the universe itself is put at stake. It will take all of the Doctor's innate cunning and adaptability to team up with his past and present selves to uncover the immensely powerful culprit!
Links: Amazon, BookDepository, GoodReads
The story starts with the War Doctor talking to the Voord, in a prequel that sets the background for the main story. Then, we got Clara Oswald trying to prevent an encounter of the last three doctors. Of course, it ends up with them meeting, in a 1920s café in Paris.

I really enjoyed this comic: seeing the 12th doctor alongside the 10th and 11th incarnations is really great, making he looks like a grumpy grandpa dealing with his stubborn teenage grandchildren.

The only downside of this comic is that I expected more of the War Doctor, so every issue I was wondering when he'll appear again. But one can still hope for more War Doctor appearances, right?

The Good
  • Multi-doctor event! Yay!
The Bad
  • You'll end up wanting to know more about what Clara will do to make the story happen.